The Rockstar

MSHS, MSCO yangqin
NUS Science, RAG33
LOM, 晓明之星
blur and slow, but i'll laugh & catch up, if you think i'm crazy...TOO BAD
don't worry, i won't bite...

Scream and Shout

Rockers and Rockettes

The Music
Forgotten Tunes

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Designed By Zanikk
Monday, August 30, 2010
hey! who said you can look at my to-do list?

call up violin teacher
get tuition work
plan home visitation for xiaoming
prepare camp program
prepare dinner performance
find percussion teacher(?)

the drum solos are killing me....
i dont seem to find myself improving after every practice...
i really wanna thank all the seniors for their patience and guidance....
i hope i dont mess up COG next sunday....

current mood: down in the dumps
current song: 耶路撒冷 - 神木与瞳

--Iyner, misfit-me at 9:59 PM
Monday, August 23, 2010
the irony of this matter stared me in the face as i saw it all over tv screens and facebook photos and newpapers
it takes something out of the ordinary, something which screams and grabs your attention by the ear and throat
it is the pure exclusivity and primeness's of things to make people go "wow!"
and without realizing it people do not notice that such things are around us all the time
simply because they are highly publicised, renowed, and already taken much notice of that more people take notice of it
yes yes i know how amazingly rare an opportunity such as the "first ever youth Olympic games are held in singapore
yes yes i'm perfectly aware that it takes place "once-in-a-lifetime"
but you don't have to look too hard to see an event which takes place"once-in-a-lifetime"
and it would be as awesome as well
what could possibly parallel the first YOG you may be sneeringly question me
oh i dunno, how about spending time with your family?
oh oh, spending time with god?
oh i know, doing something selfless and sacrificing for the less fortunate?
how often do these occur for some? hmmm...
these are endless "once-in-a-lifetime" events that are taking place, as well as COULD take place
if you gave it the effort, time, and love
everything which happens in your life today could jolly well BE a "once-in-a-lifetime" event
and any one of those "once-in-a-lifetime" event could jolly well BE as incredible as the YOG
you could make a decision, do something which WOULD result in a "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity
and that's the beauty of what we all have
...but mostly never really utilise

don't wait for "a thing" to happen
don't wait for everyone say "hey that's cool!"
don't wait for yourself to say "ok maybe i should"
don't wait til you don't know what you want to do
and don't wait for someone else to do it first

current mood: wandering...
current song: Fearless by Taylor Swift

--Iyner, misfit-me at 8:18 PM
Friday, August 13, 2010
走出去就有路 寻见了就有福
拥有的一切 都进了包袱
天空疑云密布 心中翻腾起伏
虽将飘摇 前途仍模糊
此地会是我 衣锦还乡处
飘洋过海 我吃得起苦
现实有咒诅 梦里有祝福
有缘同舟 风雨共渡
顶着烈日当空 眼底有迷雾
日子多坎坷 命运有变述

it was a gd off week =)
back to work!

current mood: motivated
current song 出路

--Iyner, misfit-me at 9:43 PM
Thursday, August 12, 2010
快乐方式 - 瑞恩
生活太多压力 我可以调整自己
日子过得平静 不代表没有惊喜
早已习惯什么都靠自己 努力去争取坚持到底
偶尔受点委屈 其实又有什么关系

yes NDP'10 is over!
exciting and memorable
til next year then!

current song: 快乐方式 by 瑞恩
current mood: lacking some much needed motivation

--Iyner, misfit-me at 11:12 PM
Friday, August 6, 2010
whoo! stay in period has ended!
and yet i feel like perma staying in to get more sleep XP

howdy folks, how has the rush and flurry of school and worklife splattered across the past 3 weeks?
stay in period was definitely alotta fun and excitement
in my opinion also the most slack one with all the off-days and half-days
still it was kinda awesome how living under the same roof bonds people
haha, chalet XD
alot has been learnt too:
dont forget to sign in/sign out
how to get ppl to scan your 11B
there's alotta practice time : don't waste it
stop using those crappy cheap sticks i got, use the super nice looking new ones
don't play too much psp!
taboo is an all-round exciting game XD
guitar playing at night makes you sleep late XP
in parade don't blur or stone XP
collar dots are very easy to lose XPXPXP
i need to install more memory to memorise all the scores i get XP
stick control and rudiments are very crucial
no matter how fast you walk, you'll sweat when you go from one place to another in camp
plasters help you with the blisters you get while playing drums XP
self-timing is very important
HQBO and CBO are quite slack
lastly, always with civi with you unless you wanna walk back to bunk while everyone else book out straight XPXPXPXPXP

the past 3 weeks also had pohzy's syco concert!
and the philwinds concert which "eh hem" XD

these 3 weeks were quite full of stuffs
GOH at MINDEF for some coa
POC at istana
numerous NDP rehearsals
and of course, NDP next monday!
and the September COG parade on sept 5
if anyone wants to catch me in parade please come support =)
i'll be in no.1 uniform and playing snare drum

one thing about band
you're free when no one else is
which totally sucks....
its like trading your common free times for the very uncommon free times
and yet everyone says band is so gd cos of our off days
in some ways yes, but also in those ways no

whenever i hear my juniors and the rest in JC and sec school doing Os and As struggling i get so worried...
just jiayou everyone, no matter what happens everyone gets through it all, so you will too!

current mood: thinking about CRYSI-Z and the jazz SCO concert later
current song: 宽恕 -神木与瞳

--Iyner, misfit-me at 4:27 PM