Sunday, September 25, 2011
ever had a thought
if i fall, how many more would?
instead if i keep smiling and pushing others to carry on, how many more will become stronger?
it is not easy to carry on after failing
but it is also not easy to see others fall and do nothing
that is my mentality
really starting to hate blogger alot for a variety of reasons...zzz
number one would be it's inability to even PUBLISH POST
what the hell right?
there are some restrictions which are really irking me increasing everytime i meet the issues
maybe i should move to wordpress?
muahaha tremble all you want blogspot your days are numbered
still cant get down to writing down my reflections over the month
it's partly laziness and cant-be-bothered attitude which follows the excessive free times i suddenly have
tut tut, the sloth of mankind
"I've started to became a trainee 10 years ago. If I were to say one thing is, the person who really wants to do it can pursue this career. This is not only about if you can work hard, but you must really want it. By just relying on talent alone, during the trainee days you only think you need to passion and dream. But after your debut that work becomes your society. You can't sleep, you can't eat, and also you have no friends. The only thing you can do is perform on stage. If you're a crazy person who really wants to do it, then only please pursue this career."
- Park Soyeon =D
current mood: procrastinating, delaying...
current song: T-ara - Ma Boo, T.T.L
--Iyner, misfit-me at 12:29 PM
Saturday, September 3, 2011
last post before i turn 20!
i really really really really really glad that the exchange program turned out so well
Monica Jeremy Julian Daniel Ian
i think we make a freaking awesome team! =D
there was so much, too much to say actually
and i'll really be looking forward to next year
pray that my uni terms doesn't clash with it =P
current mood: shagged
--Iyner, misfit-me at 3:19 PM